Registration Sponsor



14:00 - 15:00
U.S. Perspective on the USMCA / T-MEC Review

Tariffs in the plastics sector have given the impact of the global situation and analyzing their impact on the industry.

Perc Pineda, Chief Economist, PLASTICS Asociación de la Industria del Plástico

15:00 - 16:00
Process and Quality Control Technologies

  • Practical process control tools: To present accessible software and systems that SMEs can easily implement to monitor and control their production processes.
  • Sensor implementation: Provide examples of sensors and how their use can improve quality and efficiency, as well as techniques for integrating them into existing processes.
  • Process optimization: Sharing simple continuous improvement techniques, such as the use of control charts and internal quality audits that companies can apply immediately.

Ari Sacal, Partner & Chief Growth Officer, SensFlo Inc.
Matthew Cummings, Product Manager – Altanium Mold Controllers, Husky Technologies
Moderator: Daniel Mitchell, President, ACOPLÁSTICOS

16:00 - 17:00
Processing and Advantages of Recycled Material Use in Injection Molding

  • It will address the processing and advantages of using recycled material in injection molding. Technical challenges, best practices for maintaining product quality and the positive environmental impact of reusing plastics will be discussed. In addition, success stories and advances in technology to improve production efficiency and sustainability will be explored.

Adán Herrera, Plastic Injection Specialist, CIQA
Issac Atilano, Director, Director
Moderator: Alejandro Sánchez, Commercial Manager, Krauss Maffei

17:00 - 18:00
Additive Manufacturing of Plastics and 3D Technologies

  • Show concrete examples using 3D printing for rapid prototyping, production of customized tools or small production runs.
  • Return on investment: Present cost-benefit analyses showing how 3D printing can be a cost-effective solution for certain applications in your processes.
  • Mold design and manufacturing / maintenance.

Marco Cortina, Specialist Engineer, CIATEQ
Jorge Salazar, Manufacturing Solutions Manager, SolidServicios
Moderator: Natalia Ortega, Editorial Director, Plastics Technology México


15:00 - 16:00
Recyclability: Certification, Material Improvements and Innovative Global Projects "Reuse in Food Contact Products"

Eva Verdejo, Líder de Reciclado, Valorización y Biotecnología, AIMPLAS
María José Muñoz, Investigadora del Laboratorio de Food Contact y Packaging, AIMPLAS
Moderator: Aldimir Torres, Chairman of the Foreign Trade Committee, ANIPAC

16:00 - 17:00
Sustainability, Circular Economy and Plastics

  • More sustainable production methods, such as the use of bioplastics and resource optimisation. Show concrete examples of companies that have implemented these practices.
  • Certifications and standards: Discuss sustainability certifications and how companies can obtain them to improve their competitiveness in the international market.
  • Sustainability in injection moulding: Discuss initiatives to make the process more sustainable, including the use of recycled plastics and waste reduction.
  • Success stories
  • Pyrolysis

Jaime Cerdas, President, ACIPLAST
Daniel Mitchell, President, ACOPLÁSTICOS
Enzo Marzullo, Director, Asipla
Moderator: Susana Hernández, Technical Director, ANIPAC

17:00 - 18:00
Circular Economy Strategies

  • Present examples of business models that companies can adopt, such as the use of recycled materials, product repair and refurbishment, and design for recyclability.
  • Present the importance of collaborating with other actors in the value chain and how SMEs can join local and international networks to promote the circular economy.
  • Analyse how the circular economy can open up new business opportunities and markets, and how companies can prepare for these changes.

Rubén Saldívar, Researcher, Center for Research in Applied Chemistry, CIQA.
Montserrat Ramírez, PET Operations Director, ECOCE A.C.
Moderator: Cristian Nuñez, Sustainability Ambassador, Husky Technologies


14:00 - 15:00
Plásticos que mueven la energía: El futuro es ahora

  • Transición energética y plásticos sostenibles – Analizar cómo los avances tecnológicos en plásticos, impulsados por Amaplast y Anipac, pueden contribuir a la reducción de la huella de carbono en el sector energético, en línea con las políticas de innovación impulsadas por la Secretaría.
  • Innovación tecnológica para la energía del futuro – Explorar cómo las soluciones en maquinaria de Amaplast, las políticas públicas de la Secretaría y la industria del plástico representada por Anipac están configurando el futuro energético en México y a nivel global.

Edoardo Papini, Director Ejecutivo de Negocios Estratégicos, Petróleo y Energía, CEO, Medio líder en el sector energético e industrial, además CEO, de su evento insignia Expo MEIH (Mexico Energy & Industry Hub), anteriormente Expo Oil&Gas.
Mario Maggiani, Director, Asociación Italiana de Fabricantes de Maquinaria y Moldes para Plásticos y Caucho, Amaplast
Benjamin del Arco, Presidente Comisión Técnica, ANIPAC
Alejandro Vega, Investigador Titular B, Centro de Investigación en Materiales Avanzados SC

15:00 - 16:00
Injection Moulding Solutions for Specific Applications: Automotive, Packaging, among others.

  • Automotive applications - specific requirements of the mobile industry, such as weight reduction, heat resistance and safety. Present examples of critical components that are produced by injection moulding.
  • Real-life examples of companies that have developed injection moulding solutions for specific sectors, highlighting their approaches and results.

Oliverio Rodríguez, Researcher, CIQA
Gerardo Nuñez, Area Manager, Hot Runners and Controllers, Husky Technologies
Moderator: Laura Flórez, Editora en Jefe, Revista Tecnología en Plástico

16:00 - 17:00
Innovation in Rotomolding: Latest Trends and Developments in Processing Technology

  • Trends in new materials (such as engineering plastics and composites) and how they are influencing injection molding.
  • Rotational molding techniques: Stages, applications, open flame rotomolding, parameters and advantages.
  • Introduce emerging technologies such as open-flame rotomolding, gas-assisted injection molding, precision injection molding and micro component injection molding.

Warney Aiala, Especialista Técnico PCR, Braskem Idesa
Mariana Albarrán, Gerente de Sustentabilidad, Braskem Idesa

17:00 - 18:00
Advances in Plastic Recycling in Injection Molding: Strategies with Additives and Blen

  • Latest innovations in plastics recycling within the injection molding process. The crucial role of additives and blends in improving the quality of recycled material as well as optimizing the production process will be discussed. Discussion of case studies, environmental benefits and strategies to maximize efficiency and sustainability in the industry.

Marlene Fragoso, President, ANIPAC
Miguel Vital, Gerente de Investigación y Desarrollo, POLNAC